Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A College Adventure | week 2

And so, we hit week 2 of my new college adventure! I admit, it was a bit of a rough transition. But hey! It's a learning process, and I'm learning...well, learning mostly what I don't want to do. Anyway...

Here is me with some of my books! ^^^ I'm taking a reading seminar this semester, and so I have a few extra books. 18, actually. Already finishing up the 1st book this Thursday. ;) A fun time!

Ah, beautiful campus! If only you weren't quite so scorchingly hot, then maybe I would love you. It's not half bad. I've found some spots around campus to relax and study in. They're mainly outside. I don't know about you, but I like to find a good shade tree and sit under it. The library is cool too, but the great outdoors is amazing. 

Life is a grand adventure! This week is a bit of a whirlwind, but next week should settle down slightly until the midterms begin.
I'll update you all when there is something interesting to say.

Or when I feel like it. :)

smile, and be adventurous!

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