Thursday, September 3, 2015

what's in a day | 1st year college student

Fresh out of high school, college can't be that different, right? 
I could write you a list of what to expect, what to bring, what not to do, etc., but I'm not going to do that. Instead, I think it'll be easier to show you what a day in the life looks like for me. 

7:00am | Right around this time, I'm waking up, getting breakfast, straightening or curling my hair, etc etc. Basic morning stuff.

I roll out the driveway at about 8am. {do you like my plaid shirt? I do.} My car essentials for commuting? Always have a CD in that I love, have an extra outfit, and some energy bars. When I get into traffic and there's no good music on the radio, I like to turn that CD music up and have a dance party. :)

8:30a | Now, I've just parked in the school parking lot, hopefully in a spot that will be shady in the afternoon. Since my first class isn't until 9, I chill out in my car and poke around on my iPhone. 

9:00a | First class of the day! This particular day, it's Honors Composition. We're going through The House on Mango Street as a sort of intro book. 

10:12a | By this time, I've made my way into the computer lab at my school with my friend. We check on our homework, start on papers, and try to generally be productive. Honestly, go find your computer lab at your school. They're so much fun. 

11:30a | Lunchtime! In n Out is a popular option for me, and only a couple minutes' drive away from campus. Yummy! Most days, I get a hamburger w/ onions, and a neapolitan milkshake. 

Study time! My next class isn't until 2, so I read, do homework, and get a bit of work done before the next lecture. If my car is in a shady spot, I'll read in my car. If not, then I'll find a nice shade tree outside and sit in the grass. Here, I'm reading On the Dignity of Man and it makes no sense.

2:00p | Time for History class. I actually do quite enjoy this class, mainly because we have a good professor/teacher. He's cool.

Ah, now I find that my car is no longer in the shade. That makes me very sad. Because it's a dang oven in my car now. Usually now, I begin the drive home, the trek back to air conditioned lands. I drive home very quickly.

4:00p | Hopefully I'll have done some more studying by this time, or music practice. Either way, I'll be doing something. And if not, then I'm probably sleeping somewhere.

11:00p | Blessed sleep! Even if you can stay up later, I would definitely recommend going to bed earlier, as it improves your attention in class the next day. It's just overall good for your body. For me, 11 is a good time since I wake up at 7am. Adjust accordingly. :)

That is basically what a normal, mundane day looks like for an introverted college student like me.

keep adventuring, my adventurers!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A College Adventure | week 2

And so, we hit week 2 of my new college adventure! I admit, it was a bit of a rough transition. But hey! It's a learning process, and I'm learning...well, learning mostly what I don't want to do. Anyway...

Here is me with some of my books! ^^^ I'm taking a reading seminar this semester, and so I have a few extra books. 18, actually. Already finishing up the 1st book this Thursday. ;) A fun time!

Ah, beautiful campus! If only you weren't quite so scorchingly hot, then maybe I would love you. It's not half bad. I've found some spots around campus to relax and study in. They're mainly outside. I don't know about you, but I like to find a good shade tree and sit under it. The library is cool too, but the great outdoors is amazing. 

Life is a grand adventure! This week is a bit of a whirlwind, but next week should settle down slightly until the midterms begin.
I'll update you all when there is something interesting to say.

Or when I feel like it. :)

smile, and be adventurous!